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Universiteti Mesdhetar i Shqipërisë ishte pjesë e Tirana SME WEEK 2018
Një javë intensive takimesh mes biznesit - universiteteve- vendimarresve, finalizuar me një konferencë me temë " Transforming the economy".
Prof. Nevila Xhindi, drejtuese e Departamentit të Administratës Publike në UMSH prezantoi në konferencë punimin " Education 4.0 vs Industry 4.0", duke sjellë një perceptim të ri mbi rrugëtimin e arsimit e të dijeve në përshtatshmëri me risitë e inovacionit dhe industrisë. Ku jemi e ku duhet të shkojmë...rrugë e gjatë, punë shumë, por investim që ia vlen!
Universiteti Mesdhetar i Shqipërisë është ndër pionerët e këtij investimi me kurrikula të reja dhe në përshtatshmëri me tregun e punës, falë edhe angazhimit në projektin Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020/
294- “ManuFactUring educaTion and training governance model for IndUstry 4.0 in theAdriatic-Ionian aREa” – FUTURE 4.0, financuar nga Bashkimi Europian.
Faculty of Economic Sciences
The Faculty of Economic Sciences prepares young economists with fundamental theoretical concepts in economics, finance, accounting, business, law, as well as the essential practical skills required for economists, managers, financiers, bankers, accountants.
Faculty of Law and Human Sciences
The Faculty of Law and Human Sciences prepares individuals for careers as lawyers, political scientists, diplomats, and communication specialists. It provides them with the necessary theoretical foundation and practical knowledge to effectively navigate the challenges of the justice system and international relations within the country.
Faculty of Informatics
The Faculty of Informatics, both physically and virtually, is dedicated to the latest advancements in computer science, systems, and development technologies. In an era of rapid technological progress, the academic curriculum keeps pace with the support of highly qualified faculty members. Teachers and students collaborate on joint projects, pooling their efforts to achieve outstanding results.
Faculty of Medical Sciences
The Faculty of Medical Sciences is an ambitious endeavor of MUA aimed at enhancing the country's medical capabilities. As with every step taken towards achieving excellence, MUA has enlisted the expertise of renowned professors in the relevant fields for the new faculty. By designing programs aligned with the best practices in Europe, MUA ensures the present and future safety of its students.
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